Educational Resources

1) Dr. Samuel A. Mudd House Museum Coloring Book: Designed for elementary age historians, this coloring book gives a brief version of the history surrounding Dr. Mudd. It also introduces artifacts from the house museum.

Dr. Samuel A. Mudd House Museum Coloring Book

2) Dr. Samuel A. Mudd and the ‘Injured Man” Document Analysis Inquiry Lesson: Designed for middle and high school aged historians. This series of links contains everything needed for young historians to practice the reading, thinking, and writing skills of actual historians. The lesson rationale should be used to carry out the lesson.

Lesson Rationale

Lesson Graphic Organizer

Dr. Mudd Document Analysis

Dr. Samuel A. Mudd power point

The link below is a .pdf version of the presentation in the event you are working on a device that does not support PowerPoint.

Dr. Samuel A. Mudd Power Point Slides